Saturday, January 31, 2009

Orientation Prorgramme

Orientaion Programme Of Deshpande Foudation On Cohort-ll
Akshaya Patra visit
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a secaya, not-for-profit organization with a vision that "No child in india shall be beprived of education because of hunger". Our target group is underprivileged children between the ages of 5 to 6 across the country. The Akshaya patra school meal initiative is now a national program spread over six states- Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,Gujarata, and Orissa-with 14 location within these states.
Let us continue to affirm their hope for tomorrow by our actions today. Akshaya patra exemmplifies how outstanding results can be achieved when public sector, private sector and civil society work collabortily. please accept my very best wishes for an inspiring evening. I wish Akshaya Patra continued success.

Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker Mr.Venugopala

January On 24th 2009:-

"Venugopal is former director of swami vivekananda youth movement". That day he gave some live examples to solve problemes by considering ourselves in the that situaation. Than we learnt lot of things by playing games,singing,folk songs,then he told that cultural activties are plays major role in the community.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Deshpande Fellowship Program:Orientation Program

Deshpande Fellowship Orientaion

Orientaion was for three day. 21th Janury 2009, 22st Janury 2009, 23rd Janury 2009. we are twenty two fellow in this COHORT-II.
20th of January,
Morning: The day started with icebreaking activities by Ms.Taryn followed by Mr. Naveen Jha about the functions of Deshpande foundation, Orientation program, the reward system and the DFP goals.
Afternoon: Later in the day, fellows were asked to prepare Chat to explaing ourself. Follwed by this Chinna Babu briefed about the Policies of Fellowship Program.
Evening: in the evening LEAD program volunteers came then they shared their experiences about lead mela.

21st January.
Morning: The day started by an activity by Ms.Taryn and later the fellows posted the prepared poster in the library for presentation. The charts were explained by the fellows to the deligates and lead commity members.
Afternoon: Visited to Sub jail, there the fellows performed cultural activities in front of the prisoners.
Evening: Lead members joined the fellows to share their views and activities they perform.

22nd January.
Morning: It was last day of orientation, and at 5:00am the fellows accompanied by Mr.Chinna Babu. The visit gave a immense knowledge about the working strategy of Akshaya Patra follwed by discussion with Mr.Naveen Jha.
Afternoon: Visited Agastya, trust working on education. They bellieve that practical implimentation is very useful for teaching science for the students.
Evening: Naveen Jha facilitated the understanding of the fellows about the visit and concluded by providing information on the passion commited by the leaders of the program