Sunday, May 10, 2009

Right to Information

March 2, 2009 the class started as usual at 9.00 o’clock in the morning. Ashutosh and Tippanna took class about RTI. A part of our fellowship program. I had a RTI for 3 days. This act enacted October 12th 2005 and this act applied over all India but Jammu and Kashmir not expect, because it is eyompled from few construction means few building.

What is the SUO-MOTO? It is a power to SUO-MOTO considers any matter if the fundamental rights of any citizen are at come to section 4(1) (b). It comes to under 17 points.

No fees will charged by SUO-MOTO and BPO. We will beget all information excluded CBI reports.

And anther I learnt, what is Information? it means any material in any form including Records, memos, opinions, documents, press releases, orders, logbook, sample.

And Right to information means, the right to information access full under this act which is held by or under the control of any public authority it means
- Inspection of work
- Documents records
- Taking notes
- Taking certified samples of material
Than how to right the application procedure for RTI. First we right the from address, To address, city name, District name, date, and subject, matter, wishes than last Signature.

Right to Information Act 22 of 2005 is a codification of this Important right of Citizens.

This Act rule-

- Which information must be provided 30 days method of
- Giving the information.
- Charges for applying 10Rs.
- And some exemptions of information which will not be
- Given there is some charge for providing the information
- Rs.2 for A4 size paper.
- And we can apply on a plain paper in English, Hindi and Kannada.

Then I know how right complaints? This comes to section 18(1). And who are the appellate authorities?

Report on Microfinance


Yesterdays we learnt Microfinance. That day the class started as usual at 9.30 o’clock in the morning. Vijay Kulkrani came over class. He thought about ‘Microfinance’. Vijay Kulkrni teaching line is very good. In the morning we were presented PPT about microfinance. I got much information in that class. Actually I don’t know what is the Microfinance? When Vijay sir took the class, I learnt many things. Now I am come to tell about Microfinance.
Key Points of the Module:

What is Microfinance? “Microfinance offers poor people access to basic financial services such as loans, savings, money transfer services and micro insurance”. It means- Microfinance is a solution to the poorest people’s incapacity to find suitable employment and take needed credit. People living in poverty, like everyone else, need a different range of financial services to run their businesses, build, property, smooth expenditure, and manage risks.

Why microfinance need? Because there is an urgent need for microfinance instates to improve their capacity to reach the poorest families. However in bank ward regions, poor people, in calculation to microfinance, need a complete range of agricultural, business development services etc. And there is need and there is business opportunity. Three things we needed to microfinance.
· Investment
· Life cycle needs
· Emergency leads

Why poor need money?
· Their income is not enough to mange crises
· Lack admission to safe formal deposit services
· To help to overcome of thanks
· To uplift the social and economic status
· To help fulfill the basic needs
· To start a small business to produce income
· To make stronger the standard of living

Types of Banks-
· Cooperative bank
· Public sector bank
· Private sector bank
· Grameen bank
· Foreign bank
· No banking finance companies

Reach- One bank branch within 5 Kms
One bank branch for 5500 population

Who are the clients of microfinance? Client are often described according to their poverty level-
· Vulnerable non poor
· Upper poor
· Poor
· Very poor
This can we obscure the fact that micro clients.

Do very poor people repay their loans? Yes, microfinance clients are excellent credit risks. The repayment rate is between 95 and 98 percent. In fact it is higher than the repayment rate of student loans and credit card debts in the joint stats. They value the opportunity to improve their lives.

Conclusion (what I Learnt):
Totally Microfinance means the rider of financial services like credit, savings, insurance, etc. It involves small amounts of money and small loans. According to word bank ‘one person who spends per day less than 1% he or she considers as being below poverty line.
I should point out this is not thanks to microfinance but rather for profit big banks. Sometimes called “banking for the poor”. Microfinance is a wonderfully simple come near that has been confirmed to make powerful very poor people around the world to pull themselves out of poverty, very poor people, other financial services, and microfinance organization.

Report on LFA

In three days we learnt about LFA, which means ‘Logical Framework Analysis’. The first day of class started as usual at 9:00 o’clock. In the morning Batta came to over class. First we started the prayer song, then after Prekash took the class about LFA. He taught us many things. First now I will tell about LFA.
Key points of the Module
What is Logical Framework Analysis? “Log frame is a tool for planning and managing development, and it describes/summarizes a project. It looks like a table and aims to present information about the key components of a project in a clear, concise, logical and systematic way”. (Source- prakash)
Where’s the logic? “There is a logical connection between the cells of the matri. That logic that connects the cells in the left-most column is referred to as vertical logic. The logic connects the remaining three columns is referred to as level logic. It means “the vertical logic is the hierarchy of objectives of the project.” (Source-prakash)
Problem Analysis: If there is no agreement between parts of the statement of problem, is unlikely there will be agreement on the solution. This stage therefore seeks to get agreement on the detailed aspects of the problem.
LEA is best started early in activity design. It has a common and flexible application. Activity planning and management should always be approached as a team job. This means that passable opportunity should be given to colleges and key stakeholders to give input to the process and product of LFA. This can be supported by -AAAID
Why use LFA? “LFA can be a useful tool in the planning, monitoring and evaluation and management of development projects. It is not only a planning tool and should not be considered an end in itself. Clear and specific thinking about what the project aims to do and importance those aspects upon which success depends”.
Practical lessons learned:
First, the fellows were divided into groups. Next we prepared the problem tree, objective tree and project planning matrix. Then we combined. In each group there were three members. In our group were Gayatri, Chandrasheker and I. We prepared the problem trees with PPT. The problem tree is constructed by selecting a problem from the list and involving the problem to a starter problem using the cause effect basis described below. If the problem is an effect of the starter problem it goes above.