Saturday, March 14, 2009

Report on Agriculture
March 11th 2009 at 9.00 AM Srikanth,Pattana Shatti,Desai, and Sangeeta Patil they are came to over class. They are working in AME Foundation. They taught about Agriculture. What I learnt in that class. First now I am come to tell about AME Foundation.
AME Foundation is a development oriented; it is born out of the concern for people in difficult farming circumstances in the midst of widespread environmental degradation. AME Foundation is committed to livelihood improvements of resource poor farmers through eco friendly farming systems.
AME foundation works with small and marginal farmers in the Deccan plateau region by generating farming alternatives, enriching the knowledge base, training, linking development agencies and sharing experience.
Agriculture development in India, now India’s position in the world, and India exports in 2006-07, developments in farming than technology developments and also Rural poverty remains a persisting problem it is means- “its proportion is declining, but not the magnitude and its remains a national concern. Today the growth rate in agriculture is gradually slackening but for GDP to grow at 8% and more.4% both for economic development and poverty alleviation”.
Then market farming, commercial farming, and the farming situation then challenges in rural livelihood-
1) Food and nutrient security
2) Self reliance in farming income generation through allied activities
3) Marketing of surplus in local market
4) Capacity building and knowledge empowerment
This much I learnt in that class. And last Sangeeta took the class. She told about LEISA. What I got in her class. “LEISA is about Low Extremely input and sustainable agriculture. It is about the technical and social options open to farmers who seek to improve productivity and income in an ecologically sound way LEISA is a concept an approach and a political message. LEISA is also participatory. It is about the empowerment of male and female farmers and the communities who seek to build their future on the bases of their own knowledge, skills, values, culture and institutions.
Afternoon Pattana shatti sir took the class and explained about “reaching the unreached farm families” in this topic I came to know about, the rural scenario, Illiteracy poor health and sanitation, migration of rural community to urban areas. After this He explained about better management of natural resources, understanding and handling market operation. This many in three days I learnt.

Thank You.

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